Monday, November 2, 2009

Is Belief and Trust Really Necessary For Achieving Your Goals?

David Gikandi writes the best articles and I love sharing them with you.

Is Belief and Trust Really Necessary For Achieving Your Goals?
~ by David Gikandi

They say you can achieve it if you believe it. They also say that trust is
necessary. But you know what; they also say that whether you believe it or
not, whether you trust it or not, certain laws of the universe will always
work as they are designed to. Your belief and trust is, in regard to these
laws, unnecessary.

You could say that there is a certain Current of Life that will run a
certain way whether you believe it or not. When you swim against this
current, it is a struggle, and then you definitely do need belief and trust
to achieve your goals. When you swim with the current, when you are in the
flow, you become prosperous effortlessly, and belief and trust is not
necessary. At that point, only desire is required, and that desire calls
forth the achievement of your goals, effortlessly.

One definition of trust, in regards to what we are talking about here, is
the believing that you will be given what you ask for. Ask and you shall
receive. It is a very simple statement; no need to complicate it. The
universe always brings forth what you hold in your mind. Call it the Law of
Attraction or Cause and Effect. You become what you think about. And what
you become, what you are, is a state of being that attracts the conditions
that define that state of being. This becomes your life.

Not believing that you will receive whatever you ask for is lack of trust.
Therefore, lack of trust is a belief that works against you because your
thoughts will tend to say to you "you will not get what you desire". And so
shall it be. So lack of trust is definitely something that will bring
thoughts that create realities that are against your desires.

But imagine now that you are moving into trust, becoming more trusting of
yourself and the universe as a whole. Finally, you become fully trusting -
and then you discover something magical. That the system works very simply.
You are so you have. You think so you create. It is a simple system. It
works whether you trust it or not. When you don't trust, you come from a
state of being attacked and defeated and you think thoughts of lacking. And
because you are so and you think so, the system creates so, exactly (and so
you end up with "evidence" that "proves" that you cannot trust the

But when you are in a state of knowing abundance and thinking that way, the
system creates from those same thoughts. And you end up with your desires
being achieved easily. It is a simple input output system. What you put in
is what you get out. So when you fully trust, you start to see the magic -
that trust is unnecessary. The system will always process your input and
produce corresponding output exactly. Do you see this? Trust is not
necessary, but if you are distrustful, then trust is necessary - not for the
sake of the system, but for your sake.

Lack of trust is a crippler, trust is the crutches to help you learn to walk
and heal your cripple, and when you can walk fully healed, you drop the
crutches, you realize that trust is unnecessary, because you see finally
that the system works always. At that point you move from the idea and
conviction that the person with the request, the request itself, and the
fulfiller of the request are three separate things, and you finally see and
experience that they are all the same One thing. The observer, the observed
and the observation are One.

Let's talk about belief now. This is even simpler. Illusions depend on
belief for them to exist, for they are "made up" by the thoughts held by the
believer. But Reality exists whether you believe it or not. It just Is. So
you don't have to believe, as long as you don't believe against. You don't
have to believe, as long as you don't believe against. You don't have to
believe that you will get the car of your dreams, as long as you don't
believe you won't. As long as you desire and dream of the car, it will come,
but only as long as you don't believe it won't. Again, belief is
unnecessary, unless you hold a contrary thought. If you hold contrary
thoughts, belief is necessary (it is another crutch). Don't forget that a
belief is merely a thought that you have over and over. A belief is simply a
thought you have repeatedly.

So what is necessary on all occasions, whether you are talking about belief
or trust? Imagination, desire, is the only necessary ingredient. That is
all. Imagination, vision, desire - that is all that must be there. And if it
is clear and unobstructed, even without belief or trust it will work
perfectly. Whatever you imagine and desire is magnetized to you naturally,
scientifically, and you don't have to do anything to make these laws work
for you.

It is very true that you can have anything if you believe it. But remember,
if you are having trouble finding your faith, simply look instead at the
system, and you will see that faith is not even necessary, once you know
that the system has been created by the Creator to work perfectly all the
time, regardless. What you put in is what you get out. Your job, then, is
simply not to think against yourself, and as long as you don't think against

yourself, all your desires will naturally manifest. I wish you the highest

possible achievements. If you wish to know more about all this, see

You are welcome to pass this article along too!

Many blessings.

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